Plan Your Trip
A town rich in history, Georgetown is the third oldest city in South Carolina. Harborwalk Marina is located in the heart of downtown Georgetown. Step off the docks and onto Front Street, which has numerous restaurants, bars, antiques, gift shops, and more.
The George Hotel
Conveniently located next door, The George Hotel offers fifty-six artfully inspired guest rooms, creative Lowcountry cuisine, and cocktails at The Independent. Visit their tranquil waterfront lawn for daytime diversions and occasional “I dos”.
When you stay at The George Hotel, you’ll find direct marina access when you arrive by boat and receive 10% off dockage and 15% off pontoon rentals!
Things To Do
About Historic Georgetown
Few other areas in America contain more history or charm than Georgetown, South Carolina. From its earliest beginnings as the probable site of the first European settlement in North America in 1526, to its present status as a vibrant and gracious city of 9,000, Georgetown has long been known for its warm hospitality and Southern charm.

The third oldest city in South Carolina, following Charleston and Beaufort, Georgetown was founded in 1729 and became an official port of entry in 1732. Prior to this, all foreign exports and imports had to pass through Charleston. Duties and the added freight had to be paid there. With the designation of Georgetown as a port of entry, the area’s merchants and planters could deal directly with all ports, bypassing Charleston.
The first permanent settlers to the area were the English who were actively involved in the Indian trade. French and Scots settlers arrived shortly after and added to an expanding English contingent. During these early days of settlement most were either traders, planters or producers of naval stores.
From the years of early settlement, through the Revolutionary War and up to the onset of the Civil War, Georgetown flourished. Indigo and rice became the major crops of the area. Prior to the Revolution, the British Parliament encouraged the production of indigo with a bounty. The ready market for the blue dye enabled planters to make large fortunes quickly. With the advent of the Revolution, however, this bounty ended and the planters of the area turned to rice for their economic well being.
Georgetown played an active role in the American Revolution by sending Thomas Lynch, Sr. and Thomas Lynch, Jr. to the Continental Congress where the younger was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. British troops occupied Georgetown from July, 1780 to May, 1781. Many of the skirmishes between Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, and British troops took place in Georgetown County.
As indigo was no longer profitable after the Revolution, the local planters turned to the production of rice. The many swamps and low-lying areas by the tidal rivers and the large labor supply made the cultivation of this crop highly profitable. By 1840, the Georgetown District (County) produced nearly one-half of the total rice crop of the United States and the port exported more rice than any port in the world. The local variety called “Carolina Gold” was in demand worldwide. This labor intensive crop provided great riches for the planters.
The Civil War changed the whole way of life for this region. The reconstruction period that followed was a social, political and economic upheaval. The rice crops following the war were failures, and rice could no longer support the economy of Georgetown. The combination of the disruption of the work patterns, competition from Southwestern rice growers, and several devastating hurricanes spelled the end of the once fabulous rice culture by the dawn of the twentieth century.
The need for an economic alternative to rice was met by lumber. The Atlantic Coast Lumber Company was incorporated in 1903. By 1914, it was the largest lumber producing plant on the East Coast. However, in 1932 ACL declared bankruptcy and Georgetown entered a period of immense economic decline. Recovery began in 1936 when International Paper Company built a plant here. By 1942 this plant had become the largest Kraft paper mill in the world. Georgetown Steel and an array of other smaller plants have diversified Georgetown’s industrial base. Commercial fishing has become a significant industry. In recent years, retirees and vacationers have contributed greatly to the well-being of the area. Tourism has become an increasingly significant element in the area’s economy.
Georgetown’s long history combined with its diversity of cultures, linkage to the sea, triumphs, defeats and revitalizations have all contributed to create an area known for its charm and beauty.